The FLCB 4-Week Financial Literacy Challenge | Florida Capital Bank-365买球官网

April is known for its “April Showers,” taxes, pranks, and Easter eggs.

但你知道吗,四月也与财务赋权有关? In fact, 早在2004年,美国参议院就通过了一项议案,将4月定为全国金融扫盲月, 致力于帮助美国消费者充分利用他/她的钱,实现全面的财务健康.

As consumer debt in the United States continues to rise, 越来越多的人发现自己没有多余的钱可以花. 美国人是时候学会如何建立和保持健康的理财习惯了. With Financial Literacy Month in effect, 我们想在接下来的30天里挑战你的财务健康转变. By April 30th, 我们希望你在财务知识的道路上走得很好,对你所做的财务选择更有信心.

在接下来的4周,挑战自己,朝着财务健康迈出新的一步. With a focus on credit, budgeting, and outgoing expenses, 你可以分解并重新调整你目前的财务状况,以更好地与你所处的位置以及你未来想要达到的位置保持一致.

Week 1: Analyze Credit Card Statements

信用卡账单可能是最无聊的文件, 但你必须知道并理解它所包含的信息. 每月回顾本文档,重点关注以下章节:

  • 利息费用:包含结算期间的利息费用计算.
  • New charges: Lists all the times you have purchased during the period.
  • Rewards summary: Some credit cards have a rewards program. Review this section to understand how it works.
  • 账户摘要:这部分解释了你是如何得到当前余额的.
  • 付款信息:在这里,您将找到您的帐户余额,最低付款额和到期日.

仔细查看所有这些部分,以确保你的信用卡为你工作. Check and double check to make sure there are no erroneous charges, verifying each purchase listed on the statement. By carefully analyzing your credit card statement, 你可以更好地了解你的信用卡是帮助还是损害你的财务状况, and begin to research a better solution.

Week 2: Track Your Expenses

  • 记录你的开支可以帮助你了解你花了多少钱,买了什么. 你可以利用这些信息来减少不必要的开支,并保持自己的预算. 这将有助于增加你的储蓄,并学会如何更有效地管理你的个人财务. Keep track of your natural spending for the week.
  • Create two categories; one for essential items or unavoidable costs like basic needs, and discretionary spending.
  • 仔细检查你的清单,决定哪些东西你可以不买(或者少买)。.

你可能会惊讶地发现,从日常生活中减少经常性的小额消费可以改变你的财务状况. Instead of spending $5 a day (or $100 a month) on drive-thru coffee, invest in a coffeemaker or press, and put the rest of the difference toward your credit card. 每月额外的75美元可以帮助你偿还余额,提高你的信用评分, it can be easier to see how small changes can have a larger impact.

Week 3: Clean Up Your Budget

许多美国消费者没有预算,即使他们有,他们也不热衷于遵守预算. 在过去的两周里,你花了一些时间来真正了解你的钱都花到哪里去了. 在制定预算时,这是一个很好的信息(你会坚持的)!). If you already have one, review and make the necessary adjustments.

Week 4: Pay Your Bills on Time

Don’t avoid your bills. 忽视账单是美国消费者财务问题最常见的原因之一. The fourth week of the month coincides with the end of the month, and that’s usually the period when utilities, creditors, etc. come to collect their dues. 不立即结算账单会对你的信用评分和底线造成严重破坏. 你可以做很多事情来重新定位你的财务状况,用你所拥有的. 收集所有经常性账单的到期日期,并设置数字提醒来支付它们——这样你就不必担心不小心忘记了什么时候该付什么账单了.

Through this month you can find gaps in expenses, chances to save, and opportunities to get more from your efforts. But, don’t stop reviewing your budget and goals when the month ends. 继续建立你的财务知识将使你成长为一个财务知识的人,并在轻松地管理你的财务方面做得更好.

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